Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today was sooo busy but overall a really good day for us. This is my day in a nut shell.
             First I got up at 6:30 am got showered and ready for the . Then got the girls up and ready. I got Madalyn to school by 8:20 killed some time took Kinley to school at 9:00. I had a doctor appt. at 9:45 which lasted until about 10:40 and the doctor only saw me about a total of 5 min. Then picked Kinley up at 11:00. Went to Target to find Madalyn a coat for the winter. Its soooo cute! Roxy had a hair appt. at Peaches at 12:00 which i forgot about until 12:10 so I was late....I HATE being late for anything. Then I picked Madie up from school at 12:45. We headed to LEO's place and met Korrie and her girls. This was by far the best part of my day :) It was nice to chit chat about how bad my memory really is Lol!! and just to relax and the girls play for awhile. Then we headed to parent teacher conf. at 4:00 until about 5:00. Then went to get our hair done by my awesome cousin who made us HOMEMADE pizza for dinner, which was sooo yummy by the way. and  finally got home about 8:00pm.
            So I want to talk about Madalyn's conferance tonight. Her teacher is concerned that madie has dyslexia....ughh. She has struggled soo hard in school. As her mom this breaks my heart....I can see in her eyes how frustrated she is that she can't do her math or is a slow reader, having a hard time telling time,counting money, spelling etc...This is where I'm at a loss of what to do. I work 3 days a week, so on tues and thur are the only days we can start homework at a decent hour (before 6:00) She has spelling every night. Now what you may not understand is it takes ALL night to practice spelling. She is supposed to read 20 min every night. By the time spelling is done it is 8:00 sometimes 8:30 at night. Besides that when we are done with spelling she is tired and doesn't want to read. (Can't say I blame her) 2 hrs doing spelling is a long time for a 7 yr. old. So I'm supposed to practice math with her and all this other stuff. I am doing my best to keep them busy while Dee is gone. We are doing gymnastics 1 night a week so they can get out and be active. I have started worrying not only about Madie keeping her head afloat in school but now I worry Kinley will ultimatly be the one affected. My attention either goes to baby or Madalyn. So where does Kinley get attention??? Im feeling discouraged and I am just wishing there was somw way I could stay home with all of my babies....because I am lost on what to do. I am just going to have to figure it out.